Friday, February 22, 2008

The path of quest

The Quest is only one though it has different forms. And let me say that the sleep is also one though it has different forms. Some are sleeping in the lap of luxury. The others.. in the lap of Misery. And the sleep of misery is even deeper, even graver.
O' Sage, why do you love misery?
Isn't it for the simple reason that the "Misery" makes you feel different? The luxury can still be taken away by something or someone but who can own your misery ? Just No-one or Nothing.
That is the sole reason for display of Misery. Just see how great hallaballoo is there! just watch how the competition is ripe as to whose misery is greater ? And that too when everyone, just about everyone has a tale or twoto tell!
O' Sage, Before moving on to the path of quest one must be ready to disown. Disown your miseries & dis own your joys too! They are there to be lived & disowned!

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