One is truly unfortunate if one has not had any suffering or misery in one’s life. It is only in the state of discord & confusion that you ever become interested in the subject of truth. Buddha said, “If there were no confusions, then there wouldn't be any enlightenment either.”
The creation is truly wonderful in the sense that every iota of it is in itself a creator. Every one of us has a world of himself/herself. Therefore, ours is a case of world within the world. Under the circumstances my truth may not be yours as long as your world & mine do not coincide. That is what the problem of religion is. All religions point towards the same light, yet lead to strife every passing day. A religion can never bring enlightenment to anyone. The first possibility of enlightenment arises only if there is any crucial confusion in your world. That’s where the importance of suffering lies. If you are happy & comfortable in your world, hardly anything more is required. In that case what you probably wish is the continuation of the status-quo. Your beliefs & overall perspective is so well crystalised that you may not like to consider anything contrary. It is said that happy & comfortable people hardly need any God. They may believe into one but do not have that 'crying urge' to know him. It is the miserable who truly needs god or an answer to his questions. It is in the state of suffering that you first think if there are any higher truths? This is where your true journey begins, the journey backwards. This seeking, this urgency can only lead to the truth that is independent of yours or mine or other infinite no of worlds. Or you can say it is the Truth that is true in the true sense of the word
The creation is truly wonderful in the sense that every iota of it is in itself a creator. Every one of us has a world of himself/herself. Therefore, ours is a case of world within the world. Under the circumstances my truth may not be yours as long as your world & mine do not coincide. That is what the problem of religion is. All religions point towards the same light, yet lead to strife every passing day. A religion can never bring enlightenment to anyone. The first possibility of enlightenment arises only if there is any crucial confusion in your world. That’s where the importance of suffering lies. If you are happy & comfortable in your world, hardly anything more is required. In that case what you probably wish is the continuation of the status-quo. Your beliefs & overall perspective is so well crystalised that you may not like to consider anything contrary. It is said that happy & comfortable people hardly need any God. They may believe into one but do not have that 'crying urge' to know him. It is the miserable who truly needs god or an answer to his questions. It is in the state of suffering that you first think if there are any higher truths? This is where your true journey begins, the journey backwards. This seeking, this urgency can only lead to the truth that is independent of yours or mine or other infinite no of worlds. Or you can say it is the Truth that is true in the true sense of the word