We are all searching for an ultimate medicine. A unified theory which can apply to this world as a whole, Our life situations & the questions that we want an answer for. The whole of west is working on that. Once in a while a book like "The Atman Project" or "History of everything" comes & generates a bit of excitement & then the world returns to its normalcy(?).
In his vibrant fiction "The Devil & Miss Prym", Paulo Cuelho has raised a very valid question: Whether the human beings are essentially good or essentially evil? Though Paulo always gives his stories an astonishingly beautiful treatment & "The Devil ...." is no exception, yet, the question remains unanswred. Paulo himself has opined that this question is unanswerable.
However this question
is quite answerable in my view. It only needs to be viewed from a different angle. Hence following three issues are being discussed in this post:
1. Whether there is any law governing everything in this world?
2. Whether humans are essentially good or evil?
3. What is the ultimate medicine, if any ?
The World: Before taking the world on its face value, there is a need to examine the reality of this phenomenon that we call world! Infact it is here that the catch lies. Our major premise is that there is a world. And for the enlightened ones this belief of ours amuses like anything. Where is the world except in your Mind? Please consider the possibility that before the world we are .... then happened the Mind & then happenend the world! It is for this reason that the Real "you" or real "me" will arise only when the Mind is over. Whatever we know today as "me" or "you" or ''they" or ten thosand things is but a creation of Mind.
The moment our Mind happenend, our "Sleep" begane. This is what is meant by the great parable from Genesis mentioning the fall of Adam from the garden of Eden. We must consider a possibility that we are sound asleep & dreaming. Everyones dream is different. It is for this reason that my explanation of the world doesn't apply to your situation or your understanding. Your dream is different & mine is different. Since eons philosophers are struggling with the question of this world & trying to understand why it is as it is. Yet nothing of promise has come up. How can you explain a dream ? A dream just 'is'.
That you also dream a building at a place 'x' that I do is simply because in my dream you exist & in yours I do along with all the other commonalities.
Humans: Humans are events. Humans are not individual beings or separate beings. They are only events rising & dessolving. Essentially, humans are neither good nor bad. No event in itself is either good or bad. It only has shades & colours.
The Ultimate Medicine: Beware! just saying or believing that the world is or is not doesn't settle anything. No truth can be ours unless we have realised it ourselves! However, we can always be more 'Aware' considering the possibility. India has paid a very heavy price by just believing & not doing anything about it. This defeated the very purpose of the message of the Buddhas. Instead of growing lifeward & exploring more, we have grown passive & life-negative. The ultimate medicine is to be into it with full 'Awareness' ; full 'Watching'. The dream can be broken only when you know that you are dreaming. All we have is this very world & this very life! one can begin only where one is & not where one should be.
Being into life with 100% involvement but 100% watchfulness too; is the way. Going into Nature & being "with it" is the way. Remember Ralph Waldo Emerson ? "If you go into Nature, all your problems will be solved."
Going within & being with that spark of 'pure awareness' is the way! More the awareness, less the questions !
Happy Exploring!
In his vibrant fiction "The Devil & Miss Prym", Paulo Cuelho has raised a very valid question: Whether the human beings are essentially good or essentially evil? Though Paulo always gives his stories an astonishingly beautiful treatment & "The Devil ...." is no exception, yet, the question remains unanswred. Paulo himself has opined that this question is unanswerable.
However this question

1. Whether there is any law governing everything in this world?
2. Whether humans are essentially good or evil?
3. What is the ultimate medicine, if any ?
The World: Before taking the world on its face value, there is a need to examine the reality of this phenomenon that we call world! Infact it is here that the catch lies. Our major premise is that there is a world. And for the enlightened ones this belief of ours amuses like anything. Where is the world except in your Mind? Please consider the possibility that before the world we are .... then happened the Mind & then happenend the world! It is for this reason that the Real "you" or real "me" will arise only when the Mind is over. Whatever we know today as "me" or "you" or ''they" or ten thosand things is but a creation of Mind.
The moment our Mind happenend, our "Sleep" begane. This is what is meant by the great parable from Genesis mentioning the fall of Adam from the garden of Eden. We must consider a possibility that we are sound asleep & dreaming. Everyones dream is different. It is for this reason that my explanation of the world doesn't apply to your situation or your understanding. Your dream is different & mine is different. Since eons philosophers are struggling with the question of this world & trying to understand why it is as it is. Yet nothing of promise has come up. How can you explain a dream ? A dream just 'is'.
That you also dream a building at a place 'x' that I do is simply because in my dream you exist & in yours I do along with all the other commonalities.
Humans: Humans are events. Humans are not individual beings or separate beings. They are only events rising & dessolving. Essentially, humans are neither good nor bad. No event in itself is either good or bad. It only has shades & colours.
The Ultimate Medicine: Beware! just saying or believing that the world is or is not doesn't settle anything. No truth can be ours unless we have realised it ourselves! However, we can always be more 'Aware' considering the possibility. India has paid a very heavy price by just believing & not doing anything about it. This defeated the very purpose of the message of the Buddhas. Instead of growing lifeward & exploring more, we have grown passive & life-negative. The ultimate medicine is to be into it with full 'Awareness' ; full 'Watching'. The dream can be broken only when you know that you are dreaming. All we have is this very world & this very life! one can begin only where one is & not where one should be.
Being into life with 100% involvement but 100% watchfulness too; is the way. Going into Nature & being "with it" is the way. Remember Ralph Waldo Emerson ? "If you go into Nature, all your problems will be solved."
Going within & being with that spark of 'pure awareness' is the way! More the awareness, less the questions !
Happy Exploring!