The most searched after words on the net are "God" & "Sex" !
But the most misunderstood or most ununderstood word in this world is "I".
What is "I" ?
This is the question where Psychology, Philosophy , Spirituality, Metaphysics -- all end without an answer. And when I say 'without an answer' .. you may be prompted to give one .... but check yourself if this answer is your own or it has come down to you from some other source? Many would say "I" is an illusion. Though this is the "Truth", yet it doesn't settle a single issue of my 'Being'.. When I say "I" is not there at all & it is only an illusion .... well only a temporary peace descends because if there is no "I" then there is no world at all & consequently no misery , no pain , no pleasure , nothing right , nothing wrong ...
Yet the world .. or so called illusion is very much there.. day in day out. The Fact is "I" have happenned. "The World" has happenned. However illusory it may be but it can't be undone. Therefore, the only meaningful pursuit in this life is to explore the meaning of "I". And, O'sage, let me say that the "I" is a real mysterious word because the moment you find it ..... it dessolves once & for all ..... and lo ..... there is only truth left .... the one without the other.. which is the only & true God.
If your "I" is hazy & not seen through ... the other great phenomenon comes into picture. its commonly called as 'Sex'. The origin of sexuality is in the "I". Strong "I" prompts strong sexual behaviour ... the weak "I" a weaker one. The wounded "I" results in sadism whereas the guilt ridden "I" to masochism. And mind you; it is not meant only in physical terms. When you go back on some commitment made with your partner ... it is sadism without any physical involvement. Or when you suddenly feel to withdraw at a crucial moment or have a strong surge of laziness before picking up an opportunity ... it is masochism at its best without any physical hurt at all.
Such are the vagaries of "I". The whole world of yours & whole life of yours is more or less intertwined with your "I". And "I" is an illusion. It is not the Truth. This is probably the only fallacy of human birth.
Now what is the way ? .....I suggest let us assess the position of our "I" first & then bring it to the mean point. The Golden Middle. If its weak let us make it strong... if its inflated .. let us humble it against the vastness of truth. O' Sage, one can settle with nothing in this world unless one has settled with one's "I". And the real step, the challange of the challanges (call it a 'Royal Challange' if you please) is when you have the comfortable 'I". Because once you have a comfortable "I", the need to look beyond ceases.
But I suggest not to stop here. Do look beyond! Vast territories of truth remain unexplored due to this catch. People just stop when they have the best opportunity.
The Real you is beyond "I". And "I" is the only tool you have to transcend itself.
Hence I suggest O' Sage! ... do not search what is God ... or what is the reality of Sex ....
Instead search ..what is "I" ?
But the most misunderstood or most ununderstood word in this world is "I".
What is "I" ?
This is the question where Psychology, Philosophy , Spirituality, Metaphysics -- all end without an answer. And when I say 'without an answer' .. you may be prompted to give one .... but check yourself if this answer is your own or it has come down to you from some other source? Many would say "I" is an illusion. Though this is the "Truth", yet it doesn't settle a single issue of my 'Being'.. When I say "I" is not there at all & it is only an illusion .... well only a temporary peace descends because if there is no "I" then there is no world at all & consequently no misery , no pain , no pleasure , nothing right , nothing wrong ...
Yet the world .. or so called illusion is very much there.. day in day out. The Fact is "I" have happenned. "The World" has happenned. However illusory it may be but it can't be undone. Therefore, the only meaningful pursuit in this life is to explore the meaning of "I". And, O'sage, let me say that the "I" is a real mysterious word because the moment you find it ..... it dessolves once & for all ..... and lo ..... there is only truth left .... the one without the other.. which is the only & true God.
If your "I" is hazy & not seen through ... the other great phenomenon comes into picture. its commonly called as 'Sex'. The origin of sexuality is in the "I". Strong "I" prompts strong sexual behaviour ... the weak "I" a weaker one. The wounded "I" results in sadism whereas the guilt ridden "I" to masochism. And mind you; it is not meant only in physical terms. When you go back on some commitment made with your partner ... it is sadism without any physical involvement. Or when you suddenly feel to withdraw at a crucial moment or have a strong surge of laziness before picking up an opportunity ... it is masochism at its best without any physical hurt at all.
Such are the vagaries of "I". The whole world of yours & whole life of yours is more or less intertwined with your "I". And "I" is an illusion. It is not the Truth. This is probably the only fallacy of human birth.
Now what is the way ? .....I suggest let us assess the position of our "I" first & then bring it to the mean point. The Golden Middle. If its weak let us make it strong... if its inflated .. let us humble it against the vastness of truth. O' Sage, one can settle with nothing in this world unless one has settled with one's "I". And the real step, the challange of the challanges (call it a 'Royal Challange' if you please) is when you have the comfortable 'I". Because once you have a comfortable "I", the need to look beyond ceases.
But I suggest not to stop here. Do look beyond! Vast territories of truth remain unexplored due to this catch. People just stop when they have the best opportunity.
The Real you is beyond "I". And "I" is the only tool you have to transcend itself.
Hence I suggest O' Sage! ... do not search what is God ... or what is the reality of Sex ....
Instead search ..what is "I" ?